Laboratory of taste
Laboratory of taste of the Yarmarka Trading House is the only one in the North-West of RF
We want people around the world to eat tasty and healthy food, expand their rations and scope, get to know products, tastes and dishes of different countries, experiment and get pleasure from cooking dishes of different degree of complexity.
Continuing the mission of our Company, we decided to turn our company canteen into the real Laboratory of Taste, where we can try recipes of different countries, experiment and improve our product.
At present the Laboratory of Taste corresponds to the highest world standards of modern cuisine and has no analogies in the North-West of RF. Especially for the project, there was designed and manufactured equipment for internal and mobile cooking master-classes, as well as for inviting chefs and other guests.
Thanks to the new lines, the menu now includes dishes prepared according to new technology, including the sous vide technology. It allows for preserving all the good elements in the products and create a new taste of dishes.
Within the Laboratory of Taste culinary experiments are conducted, where our own experience is used as well as that of Michelin star chefs. At the same time, along with culinary innovations we do not forget about simple and fast food, since diversity is a great advantage helping to increase interest for new things.